Welcome - Marsy's Law for Iowa

Welcome to our weekly blog.  Since the onset of Marsy’s Law for Iowa, we have been a grassroots movement, inspired by the victims of crime and working with a broad coalition of Iowans seeking to secure equal rights for these victims. Our coalition is growing every day and includes victims, victim advocates, law enforcement, state legislators and other policymakers, legal experts and members of local communities from all across Iowa.

For me, this journey began several years ago when a desire to make positive impacts on the lives of others and a passion for politics lead me down the path of political campaigns in Iowa. Since then, I have worked with countless volunteers, grassroots supporters and political candidates—all with the desire to help people. While I’ve always felt inspired by the candidates I’ve worked for, nothing has been more impactful than working with victims and helping them fight for their rights in Iowa.

Just as a victim’s voice is a crucial element in the criminal justice process, the voice of Iowans who feel passionately about victims having equal rights is a crucial part of our efforts.

Victims in Iowa deserve the same rights and protections as those charged with the crimes committed against them. These are the conversations taking place all across the state and we hope you’ll lend your voice to our effort as we develop the best, commonsense solution for Iowa.

Here’s how you can get involved:

  • Sign up for our emails
  • Tell us your story
  • Like us on Facebook and Twitter and help us share our message with your    friends
  • Bookmark our blog to keep up with our efforts
  • Learn more about events in your area


Thank you,

Eric Baker
Marsy’s Law for Iowa
State Director