Takeover Tuesdays

The start of the 2020 legislative session gets underway next week, and I could not be more excited about it.

Arm-in-arm with the best volunteers and interns, our team has worked all summer and fall to lay the groundwork to have a successful session at the capitol.  The only way we will be able to move this monumental piece of legislation forward is with your help. Constituent voices like yours are critical in demonstrating the importance of constitutionally protecting Iowa’s crime victims. Legislators want to hear from their neighbors, from survivors, about how badly this is needed.


Starting on Jan. 21st, I will be organizing supporters like you to join us at the statehouse to meet with legislators on every Tuesday of the week — I’m calling it “Takeover Tuesday.”

This kind of outreach to your elected officials is a simple process, yet extremely effective. You should not feel intimidated to get involved.

Here’s what you can expect:

      -Show up at the Capitol building on Tuesday and find our team in the rotunda (you can’t miss us in our purple shirts). Stay all day or as long as you’re able. Even a quick stop over your lunchbreak is helpful.

      -We will help you find your state representative and senator and submit a slip of paper, requesting a meeting.

      - Your elected official will come out of their respective chamber to speak with you. This will be an easy conversation where you introduce yourself and explain why you are at the Capitol advocating for a crime victims’ rights amendment.

      -The legislator will listen to you respectfully, provide any feedback and you will leave literature with them, which we will provide for you.


We’d love to have you join us every Tuesday at the capitol.  If you feel more comfortable attending a local legislative forum in your hometown, we can accommodate that as well.  Please reach out to me directly at [email protected] or (515) 505-0737 for more information or to sign up today. Together we can make sure crime victims receive the protections they deserve.


Thank you for your help – Levi.