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Restitution - Restorative and Right
When someone becomes the victim of a crime, financial hardships often arise. No one asks to become the victim of a crime however, once they are it can be costly, in more ways than one. Whether it’s medical bills, property damage, lost wages or additional expenses, being a victim can take quite a financial toll on someone. That’s where restitution comes in.
Merry Christmas from Us
Thank you so much for all your help this past year. So many of you have worked with us to make passing stronger victims’ rights a priority and it truly has made a difference.
Safety Planning for the Holidays
For some of us, the hustle and bustle of the holidays are exciting and nostalgic. But for those in abusive relationships, the holidays can be downright dangerous. According to the National Domestic Violence Hotline, "spending time with family and friends, dealing with financial stress and traveling can make safety planning for the holidays a challenge. Family and friends of survivors may also struggle to find ways to help or be supportive. We wanted to offer a few suggestions for survivors and friends or family of survivors for making the holidays feel safer by safety planning for the upcoming holidays."
Coping During the Holiday Season
While many are counting their blessings and marking this season with celebrations, it can be painful for survivors to navigate. For many, this holiday season will mark the first time celebrating since the loss of a loved one.
Drive Safe During the Holidays
For many Iowans, the holiday season means getting together with friends and family for celebrations, attending work parties or end of the year events. It's a great time to celebrate the joys of the year and ring in a new year. Unfortunately, this also marks a higher than normal rate of impaired driving on Iowa's roadways. National organizations, including Mothers Against Drunk Driving and the National Crime Victim Law Institute, are reminding drivers to plan ahead this holiday season.